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Pastor Dana Coverstone shares a 2nd prophetic dream concerning the church and the nation for the month of September urging the church to pray and fast
Demons prepare for war. Spirits of lust and pornography are unleashed throughout the country. Christian men, ministers and leader's marriages under attack. Nationwide suicide spike (including Christian ministers) due to financial losses, forced evictions, job loss, depression, drug overdoses, and abuses because of the Covid shutdowns. 'BRACE yourself'! Focus on prayer life. Be in the Word. Keep eyes and hearts pure.
Finger point 2nd wk thru 3rd wk then tap on 31st. Elected officials and radicals w/wicks out of their heads. Lit on fire 2nd week. Tempers increased-heads explode. Violent protestors beat non-violent protesters. Then attack elderly. $100 bill hangs on flag pole burning while lowered. Ppl cry as bill burns to 1/3. Some celebrate. Angels protect ppl praying against spirit of the age. Rug pulled from pastors promising prosperity. Clowns distract voters. DO NOT STOP BRACING. DON'T LOOK BACK.
Finger circles Nov. 3 clockwise then counter. Cities on fire. Headline-Trump victory challenge. Dirty, weary protestors in streets. Bell rings. Protestors salivate, scream and become violent. Treasury official winks into camera. Kamala drives wagon filled w/dynamite led by 2 mules, Biden riding left mule. Giddy H.Clinton holds knife to Trump's throat steps into trap. Trump escapes. Wagon strikes Clinton and explodes. Biden face down. Harris cries quarters. Dividing line in church.
Atlas w/interstates flashing. Panic to get data map under control. Warnings sound. System shutting down. Countdown clock appears. Flashing reaches PA. Liberty bell blows up. Power reaches DC. Capital bldg blows up. Smoke creates word DISCOVERY. New scene: Rotunda of Captial. Casket w/sign: inside is democratic candidate for president. 12/17 circled on calendar. Shoes in pile. Congress, senators standing barefoot. Both parties heads down shaking violently. Man says, house divided will not stand.
Uncle Sam reluctantly questions a battered Abraham Lincoln at the Lincoln Memorial during a trial where he was found guilty. The accusation kept secret by those in power who were elected and appointment men. Penalty was death by hanging. Uncle Sam died shortly after by heart issue. 'They didn't have any idea what they were doing and now the nation needs to brace itself for what it deserves. Nation, brace yourself for fire and ice and don't forget to anchor your soul.'
History of US Capital and church working hard together transitions to capital giving orders to church who continues in work. They begin to wrestle, then a stand-off. Capital plants seed in pocket of church which grows and chokes the church. Church becomes divided and fights itself. Church repents, restored and takes off running. Stay braced. Stay focused and stay on task for I am coming soon.
Hospital nursery w/hundreds of cribs w/babies crying and 12-15 nurses calling for help. Inside capital bldg, congressmen shoveling money into furnaces which sent it out into the air. People outside unable to reach it in the air. 30 battered congressmen and senators barricaded by aggressive non-military police. Former president in handcuffs battered and weak w/sergeant in arms behind directing him. Suddenly said, it's not me they hate, it's you.
(Date of dream unknown). Dream begins with a persistent knock at his closed office door, which usually stands open. When no response is given as to who is knocking, Dana takes another route to the other side of the door to find a pale hand which disappears when discovered.
Sunny sky, tables set to barter, Wall Street behind. Ppl riding bikes, skateboards, no vehicles. Trade in animals, food, tools. Kind interactions. Same dream w/detail. Tables bowed w/weight, eggs cracked, tools w/rust. No power tools. Ppl partially dressed, wrinkled. Distant thunder. Lightning strikes Empire State bldg. Ppl cover tables, run into Wall Street bldgs. Man says, You are not as prepared as you need to be, hearken to My word, and brace. Don't barter w/my Word as you will come up short
Auction w/all nations present. Asian nations meet, signal to end before the start. Hurricane flows from Asian waters thru west coast tearing up interstates, turns tornado creating hole at Washington DC. Below dirt interstates a train w/chain attached to east coast pulling ground skin back as it moves west revealing red, muddy soil. Guard towers pop up where capital had been releasing yellow and white fleas which spread. Warn the shallow that deep roots are needed now and reach rootless ones.
Storms hovering. Panicked people rushing into hospital w/groceries and luggage. Fire lightening hitting the earth. Woman from prev. dream sobbing and praying for people not ready becomes fearful from storm, prepares to leave crumbling bldg. Man appears saying I will go thru fire w/you but I you must work now. His hands anoint her w/oil. Get out while you can and take who you can w/you. A few came but many refused angrily. Bldg was struck and collapsed. Knock on every door - I am coming soon.
Warning of the unvaccinated, 8 ppl traveling under cover of dark & tarps to safety, marshal law declared w/those caught taken to C.A.B. Covid Authority Bureau. Med lab w/vat of blood processing. Drops of it placed on foreheads of 4 restrained sickly ppl to test w/disturbing results. This=present future & coming conservative purge. Deceiving world w/healing blood that mock's blood of Christ. It will never heal, forgive or restore.I am marking mine and will walk w/them in the fire
A slippery wet road in a desert under a full moon w/four staggered billboards parallel to the road. Wolves howling beyond horizon. 3 billboards showed food shortages, death and disaster from extreme weather. 4th showed small cold, dark church w/people praying. Man asks, where are the Pentecostals full of fire, the Spirit and faith? Why sit by while the world freezes w/o your fire? Final screen on the road engulfed in flames w/wolves just beyond. Man says, ...I need you full.
I observed myself seated across from another in an office, speaking about Revelation 6, end times and current happenings. Man (Christ character) says, 'You are over the target but stay grounded in what is revealed in the Scriptures and do not stray from it.'
Principalities of fear and pride (red dragon), poverty and oppression (blue dragon), deception and false doctrine (white dragon) are over all the people. The man (Lord of Hosts) says, 'Get ready for a fight from above. Know that the fire in you will be necessary. Astute discernment you must use and fully armored you must be.
'23 State of the Union Address. Hail to the Chief. Sergeant at Arms coughing when trying to announce president. Nobody enters. Music gets louder. Secret Service agents panic. Unfamiliar black-jacketed agent takes charge. Orders silence. Shoots speaker. 'Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost the president' Agent instructs: 'stand, raise right hand pledge allegiance and kneel when told'. Resistors injected and died. Asian girl w/flute mesmerizes crowd. 'All <250 yrs. Get ready for more than war...'
'They are watching you but you should watch me. There is much both church and society still do not see and understand. The Spirit and the Bride say COME and I say SOON. Look up, keep looking up and work with both a weapon and tool in your hand.' Revelation 22:17, Nehemiah 4:17
man w/clerical robe in pulpit states 10 commandments are outdated in practice & principal. Congregation in costumes. Few not in costume uncomfortable. Jesus said-you can try to keep me out & discount my word, but I will not be silent or locked out. Pulled face from speaker revealing demon. As i expose the truth, you will be given a chance to take your mask off - if not, your circumstances will tear them from your face. Its not too late to warn the body. woe to those who refuse to listen
Pay attention to details more than you have. Somebody has to take the light to the dark places. Some will not like the light that you bring. They can extinguish the flame I started in your heart so burn brilliantly & w/passion. Fight the good fight & remain grounded in the Word b/c the world is about to go dark. That dark world will need the light you carry to reveal the way to me. Encourage the next crew coming down the shafts. Tell them, I will be working right beside them in the dark.
Headlines=8 billion, high crime, poverty, chaos, school violence, food shortages, people fleeing cities. Circled people in field watching sky. Field filled w/cautious white sheep & oblivious gray goats. Man appeared w/shepherd staff, opened gate & spoke COME. Sheep lined up & moved to gate, nuzzling shepherd in passing. Shepherd kept eyes on gate. Goat got in line. Man took him by horns & walked him away from gate. Returning to gate, he spoke COME. Get ready to get in line for I am coming soon.
Fireworks? Burning chaos. Worse than you thought it would be. You were warned & told that perilous times were coming. Many have ignored the truth. With tears he said, do not leave your first love. Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Stay repentant & in center of the wheel. Overcome. Walk thru open door. Stay disciplined. I will walk beside you during persecution and pain. Remained hard braced and battle ready. I am coming & my reward is with me. I am with you always & as far as to your end
fog over US, CA, MEX, churning over US. Jets spraying states at night. New virus outbreak. WHO sets guidelines, regardless of constitution or nat'l law. Military patrol. Volcanos at S border. Ppl distracted don't see runners from base w/packs of weapons. News says go out and see-easily killed. In Capitol, man says-take country back, make ppl listen. Demonic screams. Military remove fence. Elected officials beat citizens to death. Ppl gathered crying out in prayer. Jesus-You must not stop praying
Ppl w/open umbrella on a clear day. Bundle papers land in puddle splatter red. Ppl don't see red. Newsstand owner's button-'If We Don't Say, It Ain't True'. Ppl buy paper 'The Declared Truth'. Drive-by shooting hits ppl. Nobody cares. Stock mrkt tanking. Ppl nonchalantly break windows, jump out tall bldgs. News anchor w/red says 'It's alright, trust us' winking hard. Jesus says, Too many in the Body see nothing on purpose. They need to buy salve. See w/my eyes... refuse what they want you to see
Hard flat dirt road w/wood fence. Native Americans lined fence 100 yrds from Chief in full regalia to modern-younger. Across road, 3-tier platform full of Saudia Arabian men. Chief walked to middle of road, lifted medicine stick, struck ground once. 100 horses passed by w/handlers, first 80 well-behaved, majestic on gold rope. Last unruly, kicking, wild Mustangs on rough rope. Chief shed tears. Saudi men demand to see yellow horse. 'You will not see the yellow horse until he is ready to run.'
Overcrowded waiting room. Only those praying went to & thru door. The Great Physician gave prognosis over the next year. Clipboard read 'Be strong and courageous, walk on the water, be instant & in season at all times. I am with you at all times, and I will never leave you or forsake you.' Then said 'Get busy, get busy.' Announcement of close but ppl will stay to pray after. Most left, angry. 20 remained. Lady poured oil into our hands. We prayed for sick w/power and authority. All healed.
'The world is at the end of the road as they know it, & the reality they deny is going to... shock those that don't know. My witnesses have but moments b/c the can has no more road. Focus & reach & lean on my spirit. Stay filled w/fire & fight the deception already working in my church. Know my word & fortify yourself w/it & in it. The sky is falling, but you must help catch those who are falling with it. I am coming quickly, so stay on the road & bring others w/you.'

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